If there is an issue with your order please contact us, we will do our best to assist you!

We do NOT accept any returns due to COVID-19 precautions. A replacement item can be provided if found that MousseDeMer is responsible for a damaged item.

If your items arrive damaged by the USPS handling process you can file a claim directly with the USPS. Please contact us so that we can provide you with a copy of the shipping receipt, which is needed for the USPS claim. All orders are shipped via the USPS Priority Mail and are provided with up to $50 insurance each package. You will need proof of how much you paid for your item(s) and a copy of the shipping receipt that we will provide when requested.

We do not have control over any delays on behalf of the USPS but we do ship perishable items Monday's ONLY to try to avoid any perishable items being in transit over the weekend. All non perishable items are shipped daily vis USPS Priority Mail. Refunds will not be issued if the USPS experiences delays or delivers your item(s) late. The USPS are experiencing delays due to COVID-19 related issues.

We do not guarantee the condition of any perishable items, we have multiple dry superfood options as well as non-perishable seamoss options. If you have any reservations with purchasing perishable items to be shipped we strongly recommend that you purchase non-perishable items.

Please contact us with any further questions, we will try our best to resolve any issues. Customer service and satisfaction is our priority!!!!